Hell, maybe a better unit yet to pair with the matriarch would be a variant of Sirens with more armor, less damage, more range, and their screams look like emp waves and temporarily disable syringes and debuff damage or perks. Instead we got three jetpacking trashcans which either fire barrages of lasers which is basically negligible unless you're already struggling, barrages of rockets which either miss completely or do burst damage to multiple people, and worst of all trappers who can cause you to basically just die because in the second or two you are trapped you can easily be surrounded. I wish they would have maybe made a husk variant or maybe some kind of slow-moving, heavy (scrake/fleshpound hp pool) laser artillery zed that had a charge up before firing and was stationary while firing but could do damage very quickly from long ranges. That would encourage more interesting flanking maneuvers less cheesy tactics.įinally, I honestly just hate EDARs. Or maybe have some battery generators on her back that if destroyed while her shield is lowered will permanently lower her dps with laser and shield power. Like if you shoot some kind of energy feed on her arm the laser is shortened to a small burst that does less severe damage and her shield stays down for a few seconds to allow you to do some actual damage. Or maybe make some way to stop her from firing her cannon apart from hiding behind a convenient tree. And maybe lower the minion spawns somewhat. I wish they'd swap out the hitscan cannon with a couple more interesting attack options. But this is false if your team is so small that taking out the arm takes too much time and once EDARs spawn you can't keep them off you and keep damaging her at the same time and most classes will run out of ammo before she's dead.Īnd the method of just cheesing her AI with an obstacle isn't exactly my idea of a fun or interesting boss fight. Highest dps with a hitscan cannon, check, the most annoying minions who laser you from across the map, check.Įveryone is saying to just destroy her cannon arm and then she's a joke. I don't mind if they want to increase boss difficulty.

I don't know the numbers but it seems like she has more shield and hp than any other boss by a longshot. The combination of her insane dps hitscan cannon and EDAR (my least favorite trash) minions makes it impossible to fight her without a team comp designed for it or extremely skilled players with coordination.Īnd her hp pool is insane. But if you're playing with randoms or a smaller team, it's situational.
This may be true in full teams and when playing with people who actually coordinate.